Uni Life

5 Rules for a peaceful College Block

Jamie Jeffery shares his top five tips to keeping the peace as a college roommate.

Lego model of a college dorm room

It’s not good for those who didn’t drink to be eating breakfast around open Mi goreng packets and half empty goon sacks.

Now the world of share houses may seem pretty straight forward, but being a roommate on college is a completely different story. The college experience I am dealing with consists of 10 people on one floor with two floors in the ‘block’. With little first years usually moving straight out of home to university, there are many things they need to know.

Here are my top 5 essential tips to being a quality college roommate.

1. Lock the front door when leaving. I have witnessed many things been stolen because of the door being propped.

2. Clean as soon as you eat. You are not at home anymore and the magical mother fairy isn’t there to clean up your dishes.

3. Tell roommates when you are going to the shops. It is always convenient when you don’t have to drive somewhere.

4. If you drink in a common room, you clean up after yourself. It’s not good for those who didn’t drink to be eating breakfast around open Mi goreng packets and half empty goon sacks.

5. Don’t take other people’s food. It may seem like a great idea when you’re drunk early in the morning and have the munchies, but it is a really sucky thing to do.

As long as you follow these steps, your block will have no troubles with you.

Don’t live on college? Read Shelby Clements’ tips on share house etiquette

Image: Nick Meharry

1 comment

  1. Batsi 1 April, 2014 at 21:35 Reply

    I really like this its really good Maybe you guys could talk about it more because sometimes this cleanness thing is really new to others amazing hi .

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